Men’s Indoor (Winter) Rules


Rules of Play

SMALL-SIDED GAMES - Teams will consist of 15 active players maximum, with 7v7 on the field of play (including goalkeeper).

NO SLIDE TACKLE - Sliding into a tackle is not permittted. Free kick for other team or card if play was illegal. Referees' decision. Sliding to reach for a ball with no other player in jeapordy of being contacted is permitted (including sliding to direct a shot on net or blocking a shot - but again must not be in jeapody of contacting another player)

Forfeiting Games - A team forfeiting games must provide the league with 24 hours notice. If the notice is not given prior 24 hours a $70 fine will be given. A game will be forfeited if a team does not have 5 players. If a team chooses to quit or forfeit at any time after the match has started, a $70 fine will be given.

Unregistered players - A player MUST be registered 48 hours PRIOR to stepping into a game. Unregistered players on the field will result in a forfeit.

Playoffs- Registered players must play in a minimum of 3 league games to be eligible to play in playoffs.

F.I.F.A. - All Referees oblige by these rules.

Yellow Card Accumulation - Two yellow cards accrued during one game will result in an automatic red card and be suspended for the remainder of the game as well as a one-game suspension.

Five yellow cards accrued over the course of the season will result in a one-game suspension.

Suspensions - Red cards will be subject to an automatic one-game suspension. All suspensions will be reviewed by the Discipline Committee; additional games may be added to the suspension depending on the nature of the offense. A player will receive an additional one-game suspension on top of the automatic suspension for every additional red card received in the playing season.


A player receiving a yellow card for dissent shall be fined $25.00. If such player receives additional dissent yellow cards, the fine shall increase by $25.00 for each additional dissent received throughout the season. Players will not be permitted to play until their fine has been paid in full.

The following list will guide the Discipline Committee in determining the number of games a player shall be suspended:

  • Serious foul play - 3 games

  • Violent conduct - 3 games

  • Spitting - 5 games

  • Denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball - 1 game

  • Denies an obvious goal-scoring opportunity to an opponent moving towards the player's goal by an offence punishable by a free kick or a penalty kick - 1 game

  • Use of offensive, insulting or abusive language - 2 games

  • Receives a second yellow card in the same match - 1 game


Spring Men’s League (11v11) Rules